Why an MBill?
An MBill delivers value to all participants in the purchase and delivery of new dwellings, enhancing the potential for widespread take-up.
Funding the purchase of off the plan property is usually complex, uncertain, time-consuming and costly, and typically requires multiple finance applications. Addressing these shortcomings an MBill provides the purchaser with:
- A no deposit, single step finance solution at the earliest point in the transaction;
- Funding security;
- Removal of delivery risk; and
- A simpler and cheaper result.
An MBill delivers significant benefits to developers by:
- Driving the presales process by simplifying and securing purchaser finance;
- Removing settlement risk; and
- Enhancing the developer's ability to source funding by assigning MBill Guarantees to their bank.
Banks will benefit from the MBill Product by:
- Increased level of presales;
- Removal of the delivery and settlement risk;
- Funding of the new property at settlement;
- Bank approved MBill presales enhance existing presale audit requirements; and
- Direct payment from MBill Issuer to MBill Holders at settlement.
The introduction of an MBill will lead to increased developer presales, with a more secure lending outcome for development funding backed by MBill Guarantees.
For further information regarding the MBill process and potential benefits, please contact us to arrange a detailed presentation.