MBill International
MBill International is an Australian company, established to develop a new and unique mortgage loan product designed for purchasers who are buying a new property off the plan.
The commercialisation of the MBill product is continuing with MBill International targeting off the plan purchases of both apartments and house and land packages.
Mission Statement
To redefine how new properties are purchased by providing:
- Purchasers the cheapest, most streamlined and safest funding for new property;
- Developers funding and sales certainty;
- Lenders the most secure and efficient lending product; and
- Communities increased affordability through supply.
Making our Mission Relevant
As can be seen with the extracts below from The Australian Financial Review, the government, industry participants and banks are looking for ways to significantly increase the level of presales.
With the need to increase both Purchaser acceptance and the levels of presales generally, a new retail product is required that delivers to the Purchaser a simpler, safer and cheaper solution – MBill is the product.
The Australian Financial Review - 30 July 2009
The managing director of BIS Shrapnel, Robert Mellor, says finance for developments is "by far the biggest impediment" to new supply.
The Australian Financial Review - 20 August 2009
"We wanted to restart projects that were having difficulty getting finance by allowing them to sell some of their stock as social housing, effectively a form of presales" - Federal Minister of Housing, Ms Tanya Plibersek.
The Australian Financial Review - 26 August 2009
According to housing industry analysts, work on new high-rise apartment projects has collapsed since the start of the year as developers struggle to secure loans from increasingly risk-averse banks and other lenders who are demanding higher pre-commitment sales.
The Australian Financial Review - 16 September 2009
Urban Development Institute of Australia NSW chief executive Stephen Albin agreed that the requirement for high volumes of presales has made securing finance for new apartment projects practically impossible for a majority of developers.